Portable Bag Closer Spring Balabcer

Model No.︰-

Brand Name︰NIPPO

Country of Origin︰China

Unit Price︰US $ 100 / pc

Minimum Order︰1 pc

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Product Description


 Portable bag closer  Spring Balancer - Hang your Newlong portable bag closer from the ceiling - pull bag closer down to comfortable working height - it stays where you put it!!!

  • Spring Balancer holds the weight of the machine so you don't have to!
  • Keeps the machine at a comfortable working height
  • Use the spring balancer with the 245271 Hanger - the hanger keeps the machine balanced correctly

Specifications︰ 5-9 KGS

Pricing︰ Spring Balabcer US$100.00
HANGER 245171 US$3.00